Here I am... Stranded... Alone.... well, not so much stranded and alone as transplanted from NYC to Minneapolis Minnesota and not knowing anyone except my boyfriend. Same thing.
My boyfriend and I decided to move to his hometown of Minneapolis/St. Paul also known as the twin cities or as I like to call it, 800 sports bars crammed into two cities, as an investment on a condo we purchased. With the economy in meltdown, we'd never have this opportunity in New York, so here we are... for now.
I've officially been here for 3 weeks and it still hasn't hit me. It's difficult for me to change the "location" on my myspace, and I keep hoping to hear the disruptive garbage trunks outside.
I start a new job tomorrow and I figured this can be a new start. A new location... A new life.... A new view on life at least. A move from the big apple to the mini apple... here I go...
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